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Förstasida /  810010825
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Anti Tap Water

Id: 810010825

Anti Tap Water with GSP-T and Biotin
Endast inloggade kunder kan handla.
Nettbutikk og Varehus
Lagerstatus: 51
Id: 810010825


Regulates the pH of the hair after alkaline treatments such as colouring and perming.
The unique formulas protect the hair and adds a natural shine.
After having thoroughly washed and conditioned the hair apply the Anti Tap Water mixture.
Mix approx 25-30 ml Anti Tap Water before the application and do not rinse out.
Comb through well and wait a few minutes before proceeding with the final styling.
Product suitable for all hair types.

Avaliable in 250 ml and 1000 ml

Brand: GL